Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Simply At Home

 Homemade Salted Caramel Sauce

I have enjoyed my time at home this week, mostly staying in the kitchen baking up these lovely pies.
I don't have cutters, I just used a knife to make these works!

 These lovely pies are gifts to a couple of families that we appreciate and we are so blessed they are in our lives.  I did bake another pie for my family ~ serving my best to them as well.

Our weather has been so nice with warm sunny days and cool nights.  We are trying to enjoy each day before the weather turns off cold. While the pies are baking I like to step out onto the front porch and soak in the warmth of the sun....I will miss my front porch visits this winter

Happiness is still homemade in our farmhouse...

Enjoy your day and spend time with your precious family.

*Please excuse the quality of these photo's they are from my phone.

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  1. Oh my goodness . . . these are almost "Almost!" too pretty to cut into :)
    Thank you for sharing.
    Also thank you for your blogging friendship and your prayers.
    Connie :)

    1. Oh Connie, how sweet of you. Your welcome friend ~ I enjoy our friendship!

  2. Those look delicious! I love homemade apple pies!

    1. Hello Carol, so good to see you on here. How have you been doing? Thank you!!

  3. Those pies are absolutely beautiful!! The photographs are too.

    1. Hi Stacey, Oh how I have missed you...(email me sometime). Thank you so much!
      They are fun to make and easy to make as well.

  4. These are the times when I wish our screens were scratch-n-sniff ๐Ÿ˜Š Beautifully done!

    1. LOL! Thank you! Welcome to Simply Farmhouse, please come again.

  5. Yummy looking pies! ๐Ÿ˜„

    "Enjoy your day and spend time with your precious family."

    Wise words.

    1. Thank you Sandi, and welcome to Simply Farmhouse. I hope you will come again!

  6. Your pies look delicious. Those are some lucky friends to receive them :)
    And no need to apologize for your photos! You're capturing everyday life. It's not perfectly clean and clear! Really though, your photos look fine. I hope you get to enjoy some more fall sunshine!

  7. What lovely designs on your pies๐Ÿ
    especially the lattice one.
    I have not made a pie in quite
    some time๐ŸŽ

    1. Awe, thank you - oh you should make a pie , your family will love it!

  8. oh you are a master of the pie crust. Beautifully done.

  9. Enjoyed very much my visit here. I love Farmhouse talk. That kitchen could very well be my dream kitchen. (sigh).


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