Sunday, October 20, 2019

Hello October

"I am so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers."
~Anne of Green Gables, 1908

October has been a month of baking in our farmhouse. We have enjoyed trying some new recipes and some old ones.  This is a pumpkin spice cake with cream cheese frosting.

Fresh Baked Apple Pie

Bushels of apples await me in harvest baskets. Oh, how I love this time of the year!
This week we will be canning some apple sauce, apple butter, and apples for homemade pies.
I love to can apples because of its wonderful smell while they are simmering on the stove.

Cozy Fall!

Banana Nut Bread 

 These banana breads are tucked away 
in the freezer--a treat for us on a cold winter day with a hot cup of coffee.

The hens are laying well this month, and I am sure they will start to slow down 
on their laying before too long.

Our garden is still putting out some tomatoes. I have been picking them and placing them in the
hot greenhouse to ripen.    So thankful that we are still getting some tomatoes.

The leaves in our area are just now starting to turn. I am looking forward to the changing of the leaves. God's grand finale before the gray days of winter.

Praying our lives will slow down to enjoy this beautiful season.

The girls and I have been collecting seeds from the garden and from zinnias. I remember my
grandmother collecting seeds from her garden for the coming spring.  

May your fall be cozy!

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  1. Hello!
    What a beautiful, cozy, delicious post!
    I also love this time of year, for the same reasons.
    Have a cozy evening.

    1. Thank you Billie Jo, such a lovely time of the year. Follow me on Instagram.

  2. Thank you Teri, Happy Fall to you both as well.

  3. Oh, how I wish I live around the corner! Yummies and coffee sound wonderful
    I look forward to adding you to my Instagram following...

    My tomatoes and butternuts squash are still doing well, but I am ready for the garden to rest over the winter.
    My Olive orchard will be starting harvest today....after that is done, I feel I can settle in for this beautiful fall season and winter.

    1. I would love to share a piece of pie and a cup of coffee with you....What name do you use on Instagram? I will be looking for you.
      You have Olive tree? How neat is that! A couple of years ago I taught on the Olive tree in Sunday School and wasn't able to find fresh olives. Thank you for your visit!

    2. I have 16 acres of Olive trees.....So the pickers came yesterday to start picking, which should take about 7-10 days.
      I am a widow, so my son-in-law helps me manage it. He maintains it and will be hauling in the olives to the olive plant. We have a good crop this year, I am glad, because we didn't have one last year.....
      I have an Instagram account, but don't post on it, I go by my maiden name, Enid Solheim...
      Have a wonderful week!

    3. Enid, That is amazing! Sixteen acres of Olive Trees--I could only imagine! Do you make anything from them for yourself? I didn't elaborate on what I was wanting the olives for in my classroom. I was teaching on the olive press that they would of used in the Bible, and I couldn't find fresh olives to press. I wanted to show the children how the oil would come from the olives. I only found olives in water in our local store. I hope to order some fresh olives online when I teach that subject once again in the future.

      Thank you for sharing with me about your Olive Trees...I find it fascinating!


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