Thursday, August 16, 2018

Intentionally Homemaking

Lately, I have been giving some deep prayer and thoughts towards my life, home and family.  In the past few months during a very busy time of our lives, I have found myself just getting things done and rushing to the next item on the list.  Accomplishment was the only focus I had by hurrying here and there.

After much thoughtfulness on home-making, I realized that home-making has to be lived intentionally each day.  Intentionally creating a lovely, joyful home atmosphere, simple living, and intentionally cherishing every detail.

  Even during my busiest moments, I must intentionally apply these things that I desire for our home and into our lives.  Intentionally getting back to simple basics of home and homemaking. 
Guarding my time wisely, because just like life once its gone there is no getting it back.

This life of homemaking, of a stay at home mom, of a wife, of a keeper of the home...Do it with passion intentionally.


  1. Lovely post 🌼

    Thank you for sharing,

    I agree going to bed earlier and getting up early
    are key to so many things in our lives.

    take care x

    1. Thank you Fiona, and you are so welcome. You are so right!

  2. Such a beautiful, heartfelt post!
    I read it and reread it.
    And I am inspired!

    1. Aww, thank you! My heart contains more on this, but the words are hard to find.

  3. I first read this last night and have been by to read it a total of three times now. A beautiful post from the heart!

    1. Aww that is so sweet. As I have said above there is so much more I would like to say...maybe Ill get my thoughts together and post more on this.

  4. A lovely blog and inspiring post.
    God bless you

    1. Thank you Shirley, I believe this maybe your first time visiting?! If so welcome to Simply Farmhouse I look forward to getting to know you as a friend.

  5. I’ve loved reading your posts here, but this one in particular hits hard today. I’ve been too distracted by the goings-ons of the world. I DO need to be more intentional. Thank you for reminding me of this today!

    Keep up your encouraging blog! ❤️

    Mrs. U

    1. Aw, thank you so much! It is so easy to be distracted ~ even in my life as of late. Thank you for your sweet encouraging comment! Come again!


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