Thursday, July 12, 2018

Managing The Home

Here are some quotes from a 1907 book by Mrs Beeton Household Management. 

*One cannot have his money and spend it too. Money has a limited purchasing power.

* A penny saved is a penny earned: The wife/husband who will not count every penny, will never have her/his longing satisfied until she/he makes every penny count. 

*When a wife is an early riser it will contribute largely to good house management she who practices this virtue reaps an ample of reward both health and prosperity.

*When a wife rises early it is almost certain that her house will be orderly and well managed.

*Frugality and Economy are virtues without which no household can prosper.
We must always remember to manage well on a small income for it is highly creditable.

*Always managing little and turn it into more. When we manage small things well, we will be fitted for the management of greater things.

 * Do you arise early? Do you plan and schedule out your daily task? Do you make wise decision to spend the money wisely and frugality?  Is your home clean in order and well managed?  Our your meals planned and served on time? Is your children loved and well taught about God and manners?


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The Lost Art of Writing Letters