Sunday, February 9, 2025

The Lost Art of Writing Letters


Dear Friends,

There was something exciting in my childhood days, 
that I will always remembered, it was when we would
walked down our one mile long gravel driveway to 
check for mail. 

 My mother had beautiful handwriting, in her school days 
penmanship was one of the most important subject to learn 
and it was to be mastered as an art form.                        

    Beatrix Potter is a favorite mine.

Sometimes in a antique store you may find some vintage letters, 
the ones that are all bundled up with a ribbon or a string tied 
around them. These old letters are American history, a time of 
war or of days gone by. These letters were beautifully written 
and even though we may not know the people who wrote 
them, by the end the last letter, we feel like we know them 
quite well.  


If you find the time, write someone who is dear to you, 
it will bring a smile to their face, as they reach into
the mailbox to find a lovely letter hand written by you.

Simply Farmhouse.

P.S. If you haven't seen the movie of Miss Potter, 
I highly recommend it! It is basic on her life.

For credit of these photos please visit HERE


  1. This is such a lovely post. I do miss the handwritten letters we received before email and text messaging. Now everyone text and we don't even get to hear each other's voices most of the time. The personal touch ( human touch ) it's fading into non-existence. What a blooming shame.

    1. Ah, thank you sweet friend. Yes, no one seems to have time to write letters or even call. I love hearing someone voice..... My sister and I write each other still today. Yes, it is a shame! If someone texts me, I will call them to answer their text, LOL!

  2. Anytime I get mail that isn't a bill or junk it's a true treat!

  3. My grandmother and I would write a letter to each other every Sunday. Well, past college and even after she forgot who I was. I really miss writing her. I wrote my brother every Sunday for a long time. With email and texting it hasn't happened in a long time. I have some beautiful stationary and I think I will write a few letters this weekend. Thanks for the inspiration. Growing up our mailbox was also a mile away. We were very healthy children as it was always a race to see who got there first.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a kind note.

The Lost Art of Writing Letters