Friday, September 13, 2019

Life in An Old Farmhouse

Have you ever lived in a old farmhouse?  Have you ever wanted too?  Or maybe you still do.

A farmhouse must have a cast iron bed. 

Mason jars of sweet tea.

cotton dresses

Farmhouse morning...can't you smell the coffee perking.

Farmhouse breakfast

Pies cooling in the farmhouse window.

I hope you have enjoyed life in the old farmhouse.
It brings back many memories for me.

source  for all photos


  1. This is lovely.
    Thanks for sharing the cozy!

  2. I have always wanted to live in an old farmhouse. beautiful pictures.

    1. I do hubby doesn't want the up keep and repairs. LOL
      I did live in one as a little girl for about three years...I had such good memories.

  3. Beautiful photos and yes they conjure up thoughts of simpler times. I love the picture of the pies cooling in the window :)

    1. Thank you, so do I! I remember my grandmother doing this.

  4. Your place is full of wonderful farmhouse eye candy. What a lovely visit. I have for a very long time, wanted to move to the softer side of the world out in the country, and into a charming little farmhouse, have me a few yardbirds to lay pretty eggs, grow pumpkins, and garic, and have a garden full of Zinnia & Roses. Ah...yes the beautiful charming farmhouse. Thank you for stopping over my place, leaving a comment, and following. I have not had anybody do that in a long time. I appreciate all 3. I'll be back to visit again.

    1. I am so glad you loved your visit. I love living the simple life..of a little place. I am so glad you will be back.
      I'll come by and see you soon as well.


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