Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Life in a old Farmhouse

Hello dears,  here is a small escape for you, it maybe for just a moment~ however, let your cares melt away!  My hopes and prayers is that each one of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas.  There is so much to be grateful for, and in my heart I am so very grateful for so many blessings.

"Winter is the time for comfort, 
for good food and warmth, 
for the touch of a friendly hand and 
for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home."

- Edith Sitwell


Proverbs 3:5

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; 

and lean not unto thine own understanding.

May your days and hearts be filled with love, joy, peace and hope!

Psalms 62:8 - Trust in him at all times; 
ye people, pour out your heart before him: 
God is a refuge for us. 

Theses photos are not mine, they are just pins that I have collected on pinterest.
 Please visit PINTEREST to see the credits of all these beautiful photos! 

Monday, December 6, 2021

Life in this 1817 farmhouse

About twelve or so years ago, we used to live in this old 1817 farmhouse ~ I grew up in a farmhouse when I was a little girl, but when I got married and I got away from the farmhouse life. 

We found this farmhouse to rent, and our plans were to buy or build a house later.  Little did we know that this old farmhouse would become home to us for the next 13 years.   I found out later that this house used to be an log cabin.

I remembered the first day of January in 1998 when we peeked into these farmhouse windows, I felled in love with this little place.  

It was only $300.00 a month for the next thirteen years.  It was such a cheap place to live with its well water and wood stove for heat.  This farmhouse taught me how to slow down and lived a more simpler life.

This farmhouse had two bedrooms down stairs, a living room, one bathroom, a kitchen, a laundry room and a large attic room.  Two of my girls used to sleep in the attic when the weather allowed them to.  In the winter, it was too cold up there, and in the summer, it was too hot at times.   

When I first moved here, I didn't bake or cook from scratch.  I didn't know how to can or even plant a garden.  I look back now and wished that I would have kept a journal on our everyday life.  What it was like learning how to do all these things, and journaling about our life there.

( In the photo above was my garden and this little white cat showed up one morning on Christmas day, 
so we named her Christmas)

 Over time, little by little I began to slow my life down. I planted a small garden and strung up lines for a clothes line.  I learned how to canned, and I learned how to make my meals from scratch.  I was falling in love with the old fashion way of life.  Each morning, the first thing I loved to do was to open up all the windows to let the fresh morning air to come in and cook breakfast on the woodstove.  This old farmhouse was changing my heart for the better!

Every year, we would buy 8 to 10 loads of firewood to last us until spring. I remembered how much work it was to stack all this firewood into rows, however, it was the only heat source this house had.

Canning jars begin filling the shelves from my little garden. I had to learned how to use this wood stove, how to clean it, and how to get a fire started. It was all new to me. I remembered on one winter day when the electric went out, I learned how to cook on the top of the woodstove.  I cooked eggs and bacon for breakfast, Fajitas for lunch and in the photo above a pot of chili was cooking for supper. It was actually kind of fun cooking this way.

Christmas held a lot of memories for us, and not only did our daughters spend Christmas here.  A few of our grandchildren had Christmas here as well. 

“It was so wonderful to be there, safe at home, sheltered from the winds and the cold. Laura thought that this must be a little like heaven, where the weary are at rest.”
― Laura Ingalls WilderThe Long Winter


Winter was beautiful here and there was a few times we got snowed in, but we was prepared for winter with food from the garden, and the firewood was chopped and stacked.  We stay busy with puzzles, reading books, playing board games, playing in the snow, baking,  and watching christmas movies.

Every spring, we loved seeing the baby calves being born, our girls even named some of them.  


The attic was my favorite room in this farmhouse; I loved going up there to listen to the rain. The wooden stairs twisted up to a one room attic.  I remembered back in one part of the attic closet the flooring was made out of old army wood boxes. The attic became my quiet place to pray and just to be alone.   Oh, how I miss it!  Everyone needs that little place to be alone with God.


We fished many times from this pond, and climbed up in loft of this barn.  We enjoyed playing with the barn cats that lived in the barn.  

Thank you, for reading about our farmhouse! 
A farmhouse may change your life, this one did just that for me!  

Simply Handmade Farmhouse


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Living during the depression

 As I placed apples in the storage closet, my mind was thinking on these uncertain times for 2020.   I began to think of my grandmother Maggie and how she raised 9 children during the great depression. Times were very hard for them and others.  My grandmother was born in 1889 and she married in 1909.  These were the days of wagons, horses and yes, she lived a life much like Little House.  She saw hard times, death, war, the first car, planes, lived on a river boat one time and rode buses but she never learned how to drive. 

Source unknown

 My grandparents were poor before the depression hit and living during the great depression life became even harder for them. 

My grandmother had no choice but reuse, save and make do with what she had been given to work with.  However, she knew her plants and berries in the woods to help feed her family.  She would take the older children in the woods and teach them which plants and berries were safe to eat.  She knew which bark to use and how to make tea from flowers and roots.  Many times she and the kids would gather walnuts to store for later.  She would pick flowers to dry and use for teas or just brighten up their home. She always had a large garden and a kitchen garden.

Early in the morning, her older sons would go out and kill a couple of rabbits for supper.  Grandma Maggie would cook the rabbits along with carrots and potatoes from the root cellar that was located under her house. She would pinch a hand full of dry herbs that hung on her kitchen wall and toss it in the rabbit stew.  She placed the stew in a cast iron kettle and cooked it all day on a wood cookstove. Kindling and fire wood was placed in the woodstove all day to make sure supper would be ready by six.   

After the stew was on, she would send the boys out to the woods to collect greens to be cooked in bacon grease to go along with supper. By supper time, the rabbit was so tender it would fall off the bone.  She always served it with homemade biscuits and a pat of butter. Nothing was wasted.  She would save the last spoonful of food and the last biscuit.  She would always say, "someone may come in later and be hungry."

 I thought I would share with you the struggles and life during the depression of my grandmother Maggie. Who knows maybe we can learn from it in these uncertain times.

Until then,

Simply Farmhouse

Sunday, August 2, 2020

My Handmade Farmhouse

 Hello, Friends,  These photos are of my homemade and handmade farmhouse in time past.
Enjoy!  I hope just for a moment all your cares fade away.

 Nothing says farmhouse like a couple of loaves of homemade white bread...fresh from the oven.

 Blackberries from the farm

 In a simple-lived life, we must take the time to notice even the smallest details... in our everyday life.

barefooted and watermelon.



Farmhouse life is still homemade.

Thank you for coming by and seeing life in my handmade farmhouse.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Chicken Scampi (copy cat of Olive Garden)

My family and I love Olive Garden and one of our favorite dish is the Chicken Scampi.
Paying close attention to the ingredients and reading the description on the menu. I decided
to make it at home.  This is what I came up with using all organic ingredients.

Slice up three colors of peppers thin
Slice up the chicken breast thin and into bite size pieces
Gather spices, salt and pepper.
Grate the Cheese
Boil the noodles

*Serve with bread of your choice
*Serve with a salad
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Simply Farmhouse Chicken Scampi (copy-cat of Olive Garden)

1 box of angel hair pasta (cook as directed)
1-2 chicken breast (cut thinly and into bite size)
3 peppers  three colors of your choice (sliced thin)
1 1/2 cups of heavy cream ( I use half and half)
White cheddar block cheese (grated)
1/4 to 1/2 tsp cumin (or to taste)
1/4 to 1/2 tsp chili pepper (or to taste)
1/2 tsp salt
pepper (to taste)
2-3 TBSP of butter or little more I won't tell 😉

1. Cook chicken in butter in a iron skillet until almost done, add all your peppers, spices, salt and peppers. Stir well.

2. Bring the water to a boil and place in your pasta. (cook accordingly to direction on box)

3. Once the pepper and chicken are tender add the heavy cream and one cup of cheese...mix well and
reduce to heat to low.

4. Drain the pasta and serve on plates. Next add the Chicken Scampi mix over the pasta.

5. Top each dish with more cheese and serve.

Serves 4-6

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Leave a comment below and share if you try it and what changes did you make?

Simply Farmhouse

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Life in An Old Farmhouse

Did you ever lived in a farmhouse with metal cabinet?
I love the mixed matched dishes and the apron.

When farmers wives used to dress up to care for the home, always looking presentable.

My mom always dressed nice when I was a child, I remembered one of her dresses
that she wore, it was a white printed cotton dresses that button down
the front and tied at the waist.

  Does anyone remember when a table was used instead of an island?
There was no such thing as a island when I was a child.

Cotton dresses ~ always

Do you remember milk been delivered by a milkman?

 A time when butter
would sit out all day on the table.

What a bountiful pantry! Crocks filled with harvest and apples picked and stored in baskets.
I just love this pantry and all its harvest.

A Farmhouse Porch

With rocking chairs, wood floors, wooden table and a beautiful foggy sunrise.

Thank you for visiting, Life in An Old Farmhouse.

To see the source or credit of all these amazing photo, visit  PINTEREST

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Simply At Home

 Homemade Salted Caramel Sauce

I have enjoyed my time at home this week, mostly staying in the kitchen baking up these lovely pies.
I don't have cutters, I just used a knife to make these shapes...it works!

 These lovely pies are gifts to a couple of families that we appreciate and we are so blessed they are in our lives.  I did bake another pie for my family ~ serving my best to them as well.

Our weather has been so nice with warm sunny days and cool nights.  We are trying to enjoy each day before the weather turns off cold. While the pies are baking I like to step out onto the front porch and soak in the warmth of the sun....I will miss my front porch visits this winter

Happiness is still homemade in our farmhouse...

Enjoy your day and spend time with your precious family.

*Please excuse the quality of these photo's they are from my phone.

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Once upon a farmhouse