Friday, February 10, 2023

Seeking Out The Old Paths

Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths,
where is the good ways, walk therein, and ye shall find 
rest for you souls. Jeremiah 6:16

I don't know about you friend, 
I find that in these uncertain times,  
I want to seek out these old paths.
When the days were long and life
was oh, so simple.


Remember these childhood days!

Trust in the Lord, and He will direct your paths

Walk in the old paths and you will find rest for your soul, and quieten your lives from this world.

I know whom I put my trust in, I put my trust in the Lord
Who created the heavens and the earth.

Walk in the old in the Lord!

What a better place the world would be!

For credit for these beautiful photos visit pinterest  ~ hugs sweet friends!


  1. Hello! What a lovely post and beautiful thoughts. I agree. Completely.

  2. I love the pictures and the beautiful thoughts you shared. How true it is, we need to look to the old paths to find the way forward! And I love the scripture that accompanies that thought too. Blessings to you dear friend!

    1. Hello Marilyn, Oh how wonderful it would be , to live like we used to without technology.

  3. Thank you Teri, yes finding rest for our soul in Christ and quieten our lives is so important.

  4. What beautiful pictures, and the thoughts to go along with them were encouraging for me to read. Just what I needed for today to remind me once again to rest in the Lord... Thank you!

    1. Aw, thank you...We all need this reminder to lean on HIM! Your so welcome. Thank you for coming by!

  5. This is such a calming post! I love it! Thank you. God bless you!

    1. Thank you Mrs White, thank you for coming by what a honor to have you.


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