Tuesday, August 20, 2019

August Happenings

Hello everyone!

Our summer was short lived, but we've enjoyed each day. I am not ready to let summer go but I see the signs of fall creeping in.

 How did your hydrangeas do? Mine started out beautiful until we received weeks and weeks of rain. The blooms started to turn brown on the ends and before long the flower would die.

I was able to put out a little raised bed garden, I have been missing the canning part of the gardening.
I think I will have enough to put up some salsa this week!

When we used to live in this 1817 farmhouse, I used to can all sorts of different things from the garden and from the fruit trees. (under the siding is a log cabin)  If you are interested, I could make a post on the life at this farmhouse.

Real life ...puppy paw prints all over the porch. 

Do you remember I was working on changing my bedroom?  Well, here it is!  
I love the simplicity of it all!

Until next time!  To God be all the Glory!


  1. Hello!
    How in the world have I not come across your beautiful space here before???
    I am ready for fall here in Pennsylvania, although the warm temperatures have another idea!
    I am happy to be your newest follower.
    Have a cozy evening. : )

    1. Welcome Billie Jo! I have send you on other blogs commenting so your face is a familiar one to me. :) I am so glad you have found me.

  2. I love your place. Everything is so calm and quiet looking. Cam something look quiet?

    1. Thank you, God has blessed us with this little place. :)

  3. Your hydrangeas look beautiful regardless of the temperamental weather! Ours did well this year, all except for the ones that got a little too much sun.
    I hope you have a great canning session with the kids! What a fun skill to teach. I know I am grateful to our boys when they offer to help with the canning. We will be putting up some salsa this next week!!

    1. Bekah, Thank you! It should be loads of fun, they are looking forward to it. I just need to get it all organized so it will go smoothly.
      It's always a blessing for any kind of help. Blessings!

  4. Please share as much as you can about the farmhouse. How I would love to have the simplicity in my bedroom. It is a total cluttered mess that will be tackled this winter. I may do before and after pictures just to encourage myself to declutter.

    1. I am glad you would like to read about our life in the old farmhouse. Good luck with the winter project of de-cluttering.

  5. Your bedroom is beautiful. I think an uncluttered room is way more restful. My problem is I am a nester and every time I declutter it's not long before I'm buying up stuff. That's just me . . . A part of me wants a simplified uncluttered life and a part of me feels more at home and cozy amongst a bit of clutter. What's a girl to do?

    1. Connie, thank you! praying for you both... Take care sweet friend.


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