Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Clotheslines used to tell the story!

When that's all done," said Ma, "I want a clothes-line."
~ Laura Ingalls Wilder, Little House on the Prairie

Oh no, I never do much ironing, except the outside clothes. We must not iron out the fresh air and sunshine, you know. It is much more healthful not to, the doctors say.” Seriously, there is something very refreshing about sheets and pillow slips just fresh from the line, after being washed and dried in the sun and air. Just try them that way and see if your sleep is not sweeter. ” 
~ Laura Ingalls Wilder

Hello, sweet friends!  It is so hard to believe a year has passed since my last post.
With prices on the uprise, I have been using my clothesline a little more. 
My mom taught my sisters and I, how to have an presentable clothesline, course this was before anyone had a dryer. She taught us that a clothesline tells alot about the person who lives there.

My mom was big on having her whites the brightest whites in the county.  She never wash anything with her whites and let them soak overnight before hanging them out.  I remember her saying the sun is the best natural bleach when it comes to getting your whites even whiter. 

 My grandma shared with us, how you could tell what was 
happening in a family by reading the clothesline in her day.  

She said we knew when the neighbors baby was born by all the diapers, 
blankets filled the lines, and  we knew what they had by the color the baby clothes.

When extra sheets, blankets, towels, dish towels and tablecloths were the main wash on Monday,
the clothesline is letting you know this home had company over the weekend.

Oh these simple times, when everyone knew their neighbors and
share the latest news over the backyard fence.  

I hope you enjoyed a moment in time with me.

Hugs to you all, keep praying, keep trusting the Lord, and keep the faith.

Love, Simply Farmhouse.

to see the credit of these beautiful photo's



  1. Hi there! Thanks for coming over to my blog this week :) I've added you to my reading list. I was taught to hang clothes too. I remember tying the cloth bag around my waist, filled with clothespins and lugging the basket out to the back yard. I'm so glad I have that memory. It would be fun to teach my granddaughters how to do that now. I hope you'll stop by again! Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. My pleasure to visit your blog, it is a beautiful place. I will definitely visit again!

  2. YEs where have you bee? I love my clothesline!

  3. My mom always hung clothes on the line to dry. My husband does the laundry and prefers the drier. My biggest memories are fresh sheets and wasps crawling up your pant legs. They would get folded in and were perfectly mad when you put on your pant and got stung. Yikes! I don't miss that.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a kind note.

Clotheslines used to tell the story!