Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Life In An Old Farmhouse

Farmhouse kitchen

Farmhouse dishes are always mismatched.

Farmers wife...notice the sweet note in her pocket.

 Dried flowers and berries

The old black phone on the wall with the finger dial.
We had one like this when I was a child. Does 
anyone remember the party lines?

Wake me up at daybreak...


Sweet memories of an old farmhouse.

From credit of all these 
wonderful photo's 

From time to time I will make a post on "Life in a old farmhouse"
I hope you enjoy them.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

August Happenings

Hello everyone!

Our summer was short lived, but we've enjoyed each day. I am not ready to let summer go but I see the signs of fall creeping in.

 How did your hydrangeas do? Mine started out beautiful until we received weeks and weeks of rain. The blooms started to turn brown on the ends and before long the flower would die.

I was able to put out a little raised bed garden, I have been missing the canning part of the gardening.
I think I will have enough to put up some salsa this week!

When we used to live in this 1817 farmhouse, I used to can all sorts of different things from the garden and from the fruit trees. (under the siding is a log cabin)  If you are interested, I could make a post on the life at this farmhouse.

Real life ...puppy paw prints all over the porch. 

Do you remember I was working on changing my bedroom?  Well, here it is!  
I love the simplicity of it all!

Until next time!  To God be all the Glory!

Friday, April 12, 2019

Life In An Old Farmhouse

The farmhouse apron.

Wash Day!

Always Homemade

Walking down a gravel road to get your mail.
When life was simple and we kept in touch through letters.

Gentle breeze, warm sun, and fresh linens.

When he is home.....

Fresh lemonade always....

Farmhouse cotton dress

The simple life of an old swing under a big maple tree.

Dine in the field with him....dine the day away.

Summer Breeze....

All photo's are from  Pinterest.
Visit there for credit.

Once upon a farmhouse