Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Creating a Bright and Happy Home

There is just something about January that makes me want to clean out clutter; do a little deep cleaning, and brighten up my home. 

I love making my home happy and bright.

By simply adding fresh flowers to each room.

By hanging a boxwood wreath over our dresser, adds a little greenery. 

 By painting a wood cabinet pebble gray.

Adding a new comforter ....

I would love to hear if you are making fresh new changes in your home.

               All things new,


  1. I love cleaning out and organizing too:)

  2. Hurrah for yellow! Especially this time of year. Plus I'm a lemon lover, :)

    Lovely photos - made me smile.

    1. Hello Leigh, so good to see your comment. I have been missing you. I love yellow as well it brighten up a room.

  3. I will try not to envy. ☺😊 It is beautiful. I use to get fresh flowers weekly. I don't to save money but I'm planning on planting a wildfower garden so I can have them.

    1. I find flowers on clearance at Kroger's, last week I was able to found some for 99 cents each. This past week I found some for $2.49 each. That is how I am able to put flowers here and there. Wildflowers are one of my favorites to plant along with zinnias. Thank you sweet Chrissy.

  4. I love decorating with fresh flowers too. Also this winter I discovered growing Wheatgrass which is a super fun and cheap way to bring some fresh/brightness into your home. I also am very blessed to have a lot of big windows which we do not cover with blinds and drapes. I love the sunshine that pours in!

    1. Hello Abbi, so good to see you once again! Ewww my daughter has large big windows everywhere..I love them. You are very blessed. I love the sunshine to pour in as well.

  5. I wish my home was as clean and bright as yours seems to be.

    1. Aww ya know I use to think that way, then I decided to work towards it in my home. It's far from where I would like it to be. But little by little it is getting there and so can yours.
      Be inspired sweet friend.

  6. Yes, I do the same! I think the Christmas clutter creeps in around here. We are busy. Decorations are everywhere. We shop more than usual. Gifts are bought & stored to be given away. Gifts are given to us & must be done something with as well. I LOVE the season, but am ready in January to start anew!


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