Saturday, November 26, 2016

O Christmas Tree

Each year we love going to a  Christmas Farm and cut down a tree.
It has became a family tradition, that we look forward to.

The girls decorated the tree , and to me it is perfect.

The white roping is made from white yarn, a little something handmade for the tree.

It's about Jesus, it's about giving.

Act 20:35 I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.


  1. A lovely tree, and a lovely tradition.
    We are setting out Nativities, snowmen and santas,
    changing wreaths and getting ready for trees (I'm doing 4 this year).
    Only one will be real, but we will get it from a tree farm 2 miles up
    the highway from us.
    Happy December! (once it gets here, lol)

    1. Hello Tammy, Thank you! A Nativity is on my list to buy, I haven't came across one I like yet. Wow four trees your home must be beautiful during the holidays. Happy Almost December to you.

  2. I love checking in on you. Love your tree.

  3. Wow I adore your brave girl.she rocks!!!
    Your girls decorated the the Christmas tree beautifully and homemade chain looks great.
    I too celebrate our events simply


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