Friday, June 17, 2016

A rainy day

I love  summer rains.  Enjoy your summer.


  1. Good morning,

    Such lovely photos - you live in a beautiful place.


  2. We had rain Tuesday and Wednesday. It poured! Like you, it brought us some nice weather. No humidity and a nice breeze. It made it nice to cut grass today. Enjoy your cool down!

  3. The garden and grasses love the rain! We are having a bit of rain too! I looked at the garden this morning and it looks like I won't be watering it today....
    We have had a wonderful week of real cool weather....and this part Norwegian girl, operates a lot better then!! Next week double digits..but then I am thankful because the summer garden likes that too!
    You and your family have a wonderful weekend and Fathers Day!

  4. How beautiful! There's nothing more precious than a rain when it's needed. :)

  5. Lovely! I just love that porch of yours!

  6. As always, beautiful pictures!!! We love summer rains although we don't get them much!


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