Wednesday, May 18, 2016

In The Garden

                         This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.


  1. Oh no! Sorry to hear about your chickens. We've had cold Temps also...had to bring plants in and cover others.

    1. Thank you Lori, you guys must be colder then us, we have not cover our plants. We miss the little goes on.

  2. Teresa, your photos are so beautiful! I think you could do photography tutorials on your blog.

    I'm so sorry you lost your chickens and rooster. That would break my heart too!

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your chickens. How heartbreaking.

  4. Oh, some days on the farm are like that. At least you can enjoy the strawberries. Hope that cute bunny is the only bunny that gets in your strawberry beds!

    1. Hi Kim, sweet of you to come by. You know it girl friend there are days like that. When our little girl put the bunny in the garden, she was hoping the bunny's big eyes would keep the other bunnies away. LOL! With the help of a fence around the strawberry garden that we have in place now, they are staying away.

  5. Our weather here has been perfect, not too hot nor too cold! Our daylilies are in full bloom. We have been seeing frequent showers of rain but just enough for the grass & plants & keeps the temperature down. Sorry to hear about your chickens & mower. I warned you that chickens were expensive. It definitely has not saved us money but we love them & fresh eggs! Hopefully, you can find some more soon! If you lived here, you could have 1/2 of ours! We gather way too many eggs. We share with family, friends, church members, & still keep dozens in our refrigerator. I'm excited for your church revival. Sounds like special fun!!! Our church holds a community tent revival once a year each September. It does reach hearts of those we may not other wise have had the opportunity to witness to. Bro Wendell Pittman preached for us Wednesday night & brought about the fact that the shepherd does not birth lambs but the sheep do. I had never really thought of it that way before. We must do our part. God will do His! I can't wait to hear about the brush arbor meeting! Enjoy! We will be praying that souls will be saved & lives changed! Love you all!

  6. The weather here has been cold and rainy as well most of the spring. Sorry to hear of the loss of your chickens. I have never left the door open, but we do let ours free range most of the time and I am thankful that we have not lost any recently. I lost all of my guineas and ducks one year.

    1. We have had two wonderful warm sunny days this week. I am so thankful for them. Have a great day Carol.

  7. Oh no!!!!!!!!!! A nightmare of mine for sure! I'm soo sorry to hear about the loss of your precious chickens! Yes, I know life goes on, but oh my, it does hurt. I enjoy chickens so much, and their sweet personalities add so much entertainment to life around our home. Your strawberries are beautiful! I planted some strawberry beds this year, and hope to get a good harvest next year. We are getting an abundance of rain here too. I hope your mower can be fixed! Blessings and hugs to you today :)

  8. Love the photo of the lavender!

    Oh, yum! Such lovely strawberries!

    May was mostly pleasantly cooler than normal this year.

    Now that school is out, I am ready for the summer heat and afternoons in the pool.


  9. Hello Teresa,

    Thanks for your comment on my blueberry post :)

    Blueberry bushes have to be pruned after the first 3-4 years. They also do best when watered 1-2 inched deep - about once a week - instead of surface watering.

    The type of soil matters, as well, but I don't know much about that. I would suggest looking up tips online for the best advice on growing blueberry bushes. My husband is the one who takes care of all the plants in our yard.

    I hope you are able to find the answers you are looking for.



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